
Feel Your Best with IV Treatments!

Prime Wellness IV Therapy

IV Treatments

IV Nutritional Therapy

IV nutritional therapy (a.k.a IV Treatments, intravenous therapy, IV nutrition, IV therapy or IV nutrient therapy) is a type of therapy commonly used for its wide range of health benefits, which can include anti-aging, improved immune system minimized anxiety, reversed symptoms of hangovers and more.

Although many may believe that nutrient deficiencies aren’t so common anymore, there are still many individuals who aren’t getting the essential nutrients our bodies need to perform optimally.

Because IV treatments is administered directly into the veins, the results may be faster than those of oral or other traditional medicines.

IV nutrient therapy is safe, effective, restorative, and can be customized to suit your unique needs.

Prime Wellness offers various IV infusion therapies including many nutritional therapies, Ozone and UV Infusions, NAD +, Plaquex, Chelation (EDTA) and Myers Cocktails to help you heal from within.

Nutritional IV Kits We Offer


IV Treatments

Rehydrate your body and combat fatigue caused from dehydration with our Quench IV Treatments Kit. This Kit includes six premium-quality compounds designed to replenish the fluids needed for optimal wellness.



IV Treatments

Designed to help kickstart your metabolism and feel more energized, this IV kit includes six premium-quality compounds believed to help burn fat, boost metabolism and provide the nutrients needed for optimal wellness.



IV Treatments

Designed to help bring out radiance and natural glow, this kit includes six premium-quality compounds believed to fortify hair, skin and nails, reduce wrinkles and quench skin from the inside out.


Be Well!

IV Treatments

Designed to help your immune system, prevent illnesses and make you feel better faster after getting sick, this IV Treatments kit includes six premium-quality compounds that can help improve immunity and promote optimal wellness.



IV Treatments

Designed to help shorten the time of recovery after an injury and potentially improve athletic ability, this kit includes six premium-quality compounds that can help promote improved performance and overall wellness.


Overall Wellness

IV Treatments

Comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this cocktail premix is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including on-going pain, asthma and more.



IV Treatments

Compounded to help relieve symptoms of PMS, this customized IV kit includes seven premium-quality compounds which may reduce bloating, irritability, abdominal discomfort and lower back pain.


NAD + | Ozone | Plaquex

NAD + Longevity Treatment

IV Treatments

NAD + helps your body heal and repair damaged DNA that develop over time in your bodies cells. This causes you to age and as we get older our natural production of NAD + decreases. By increasing NAD + your body and help to repair damaged DNA and help you feel young again.


Ozone and Ultraviolet Infusion

IV Treatments

Ozone Therapy is a unique and integrative treatment that is used to increase the amount of oxygen in the body through the introduction of ozone.


Plaquex Gets Rid Of Plaque

IV Treatments

Plaquex is a phosolipid infusion which has been shown to safely clean the plaque from your arteries throughout the entire body. This has been shown to improve kidney function, liver function and cholesterol levels.


NAD+ Infusion

IV Treatments

What Is NAD+?

NAD+ enables energy production in the mitochondria of all living cells, which occurs through the oxidation of nutrients, also known as metabolism. Formed in the body from B vitamins, NAD+ also activates proteins called sirtuins, which are enzymes that give rise to new mitochondria, protect DNA, and regulate aging in response to dietary nutrients.

As such, NAD+ is what’s called a coenzyme, or helper molecule, that helps other enzymes do their jobs.

What To Expect During an NAD+ Infusion:

NAD+ is one of my favorite IV therapies because it has been powerful in helping my patients heal. I consider it a true “miracle molecule”, providing energy to the cells and stimulating cellular repair mechanisms. When given through an IV, 100% of the NAD+ is delivered right into your cells for the mitochondria to utilize.

NAD+ is superfood for your mitochondria, the little organelles in your cells that are required for producing energy in the form of ATP. I also talk about conditions which are associated with NAD+ deficiency, including chronic inflammatory conditions, infections, irregular sleep, overeating, pregnancy and postpartum and frequent alcohol and drug use.

What are some signs that you may benefit from NAD+?

As we age, levels of NAD+ decline, so by the age of 50, we have lost 50% of our NAD+. This loss is accelerated when there is stress, inflammation or toxicant exposure. The mitochondria supply energy to every cell in your body, so if you are feeling fatigued, have brain fog, digestive issues, extreme fatigue or soreness after exercise, it may mean your mitochondria are struggling, and could use the support of NAD+. NAD+ can also be helpful for sleep disorders, anxiety, chronic pain and traumatic brain injuries.

Why are NAD+ infusions so unique?

Some IV Treatments vitamins or antioxidants can be given via a slow, gentle push over a few minutes, whereas others must be given over a longer period of time. Generally, these rates are universal for most people. However, with NAD+, the rate of the infusion is patient-specific. If NAD+ is pushed too quickly, patients may experience an uncomfortable sensation in their chests, abdomens, heads or muscles. Some feel anxious or feel warmth come over their body. Once the IV is slowed down, these sensations resolve in a few seconds.

At Prime Wellness we start our NAD+ infusions at 250 mg. I recommend my patients receive a nutrient IV prior to receiving NAD+ to prime the cells and get them ready to receive the NAD+. I also recommend following the IV with a push of glutathione. As NAD+ works in the body, toxins can be expelled, so glutathione can help your body release them.

How often should I get an NAD+ infusion?

For most of my patients who have severe fatigue, I recommend 1-2 times per week until they feel their energy return and then monthly as needed. For general health maintenance, monthly doses of NAD+ should be sufficient as long as you aren’t doing things that will deplete it.

How much does an NAD Infusion Cost?

At Prime Wellness The NAD+ infusions cost $250 each for 250 mg of NAD +

Ozone and UV (UBI) Therapy

IV Treatments

Ozone The Forgotten Cure

Ozone Therapy is a unique and integrative treatment that is used to increase the amount of oxygen in the body through the introduction of ozone. Ozone Therapy can provide many powerful and healing benefits with little or no side effects. Ozone suppresses infections by killing viruses, bacteria, and yeast, especially those hard-to-treat, resistant pathogens that can be found in chronic conditions, such as Lyme disease. Ozone therapy is also helpful in preventative healthcare. In preventative care, ozone may help strengthen the body’s natural defenses. Lastly, it improves circulation by enhancing the flow of blood.

Below are some of the benefits that can be obtained through Ozone therapy treatment:

  • Effective treatment of resistant pathogens found in chronic conditions
  • Improvement of circulation by enhancing blood flow
  • Stimulation of mitochondria to give your cells’ “powerhouse” energy
  • Improvement of immune function as Ozone IV therapy is a potent immune booster
  • Increasing antioxidant protection and capabilities by stimulating enzyme system
  • Decreasing the immune “overtime” response in autoimmune disease
  • Detoxification by neutralizing toxins processed in liver and kidneys


IV Ozone therapy is a very effective treatment modality yet should not be thought of as a magic bullet. The treatment can be an indispensable addition to any protocol’s success and is most effective when it is used as part of an integrative treatment plan. The number of treatments needed for therapeutic results are unique to each individual and should be discussed with your practitioner. Individuals experiencing success using Ozone IV therapy treatments:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Herpes
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Chronic bladder conditions Colitis
  • Crohn’s disease

Ozone therapy has been studied and used in treating patients for centuries. It is extremely safe when performed properly and under the proper care.

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI)

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) is a process of exposing blood to ultraviolet A, B and C rays to further stimulate the immune system. UBI is a time tested therapy in use for over 75 years by physicians all over the world. There are no known serious side effects and the therapy creates a strong immune response that is regarded as an “autogenous vaccine”.

At Prime Wellness, we combine the power of Ozone and UBI to create a synergistic effect enabling both therapies to work in concert. Please read the Informational brochure below.

Ozone and UV (UBI) Information

What-is-Ozone (pdf) Download

Using-Ozone (pdf) Download

UBI - The Invisible Cure (pdf) Download

Plaquex Infusion

IV Treatments

What is Plaquex?

Plaquex is a compounded medicine that contains polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine (PC). PC makes up all the cell membranes in the body as well as the transport vehicles for cholesterol, such as HDL and LDL. Cell membranes consist of a double layer of PC molecules.

Embedded in between these molecules are receptors for signaling proteins such as hormones, neurotransmitters and many more. Cholesterol molecules are also embedded in this layer to give the cell its stability.

As we age, the PC in the cell membranes becomes damaged by toxins, detergents, free radicals, heavy metals, smoking, hypertension, high blood sugar as well as high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin.

With aging, the body is no longer able to produce enough PC to repair this damage.

Consequences of this damage are cardiovascular disease with plaque deposits in the blood vessels, liver damage, kidney damage, and brain damage.

Besides making up all the cell membranes, PC also has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Lowering chronic inflammation allows the body’s natural healing and repair processes to take place and is the first step in recovering from many chronic health conditions.

What Does Plaquex Do?

Plaquex therapy restores cell membrane integrity and cell membrane function which normalizes the cell metabolism. This in turn helps to clear out plaque deposits and improve the function of all organs, including liver and kidneys.

It also improves the blood flow properties so blood can flow more easily without the use of blood thinners. It also has an effect on important enzymes involved with blood lipids. It has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increases HDL (the good) cholesterol.

Plaquex Information

Plaquex (pdf) Download

EDTA IV Infusion

IV Treatments

EDTA Chelation

The theory that heavy metals can be related to CARDIOVASCULAR disease, NEUROLOGICAL deterioration and CANCER is undisputed in the scientific literature (Valko, Morris, & Cronin, 2005; Wolf & Baynes, 2007).

Chelation is the chemical process by which certain medications/nutrients bind to these toxic metals and allow them to be excreted from the body via urination or bowel movements. Chelation is a medically-validated treatment for removing calcium from the walls of arteries. Hardening of the arteries, known as atherosclerosis, may be clinically reversed by such chelation therapy.

Certain heavy metals, particularly mercury and lead, can accumulate in various parts of the body and contribute to blood vessel disease (Landmark & Aursnes, 2004.) Since blood vessels feed oxygen and nutrients to ALL organs in the body, heavy metals can have detrimental effects throughout the entirety of the human body. The toxicity of these metals stems from their ability to induce inflammation, plaque accumulation, endothelial cell dysfunction, dyslipidemia, immune dysfunction, and mitochondrial dysfunction (Houston, 2007).

Chelation therapy is used to remove toxic metals from the body (eg. lead, mercury, arsenic). It also can be utilized to remove excessive minerals from the body, such as iron and calcium. Chelation can be administered either orally or intravenously.

Chelation has many beneficial effects on the body. The net effect is a reversal of many age-related/disease-inducing changes. Since toxic metals accelerate aging, chelation can be viewed as one of the most effective anti-aging treatments available.

In conventional medicine, chelation may be used to rid the body of an excess of toxic metals. One potent chelating agent is EDTA. EDTA is FDA approved for heavy metal poisoning, digitalis toxicity and elevated blood calcium levels. A person who has signs of lead poisoning may be given EDTA chelation therapy in order to remove excess lead from the body before it can cause permanent damage. Oral chelating agents, such as DMSA, may also be utilized to remove toxic metals however they are typically not as potent or effective as the intravenous forms.

Does IV EDTA chelation therapy have side effects?

When used the for treatment of heavy metal poisoning, EDTA has a very low occurrence of side effects. The most commonly noted side effect maybe a stinging sensation at the site where the EDTA is delivered into the veins. Rare side effects can include fever, hypotension (a sudden drop in blood pressure), hypocalcemia (abnormally low calcium levels in the blood), headache, nausea and vomiting. Other side effects might occur if EDTA is not administered by a trained physician.

Can EDTA chelation therapy reverse atherosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries”)?

EDTA chelation may reverse atherosclerosis. This is dependent on numerous factors. The effectiveness and mechanism of action of chelation is still being studied. It has been observed that chelation therapy is most effective when an elevated “body burden" of heavy metals is present. Therefore the level of toxic metals in a patient should be assessed prior to treatment.

Several theories have been proposed for the mechanism of action of chelating agents. The most accepted theory relating to cardiovascular disease suggests that EDTA works by directly removing calcium from the walls of plaque-laden arteries. In addition, intravenous treatments often include high magnesium , vitamins and nutrient minerals which can have their own beneficial effects. [Magnesium, in and of itself, is an effective treatment for high blood pressure, vasospasm (sudden contraction of blood vessels) and heart failure. It is found to be lacking in many patients. reduces inflammation and can reverse the effects of excessive amounts of calcium]

Can EDTA Chelation Therapy Help or Reverse Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)?

Many patients who have undergone chelation therapy have improvement in CAD symptoms such as chest pain. Chelation may be able to lower plaque throughout the body’s arteries, as measured by Calcium scoring/CT scans. A recent study in a prominent US medical journal showed a significant improvement in coronary artery blockage, in patients who were giving a course of IV EDTA over 40 weeks.

Another large study of IV EDTA was recently completed. This retrospective study followed 220 patients with known blood vessel disease treated from 1992-2001. It was demonstrated that in those patients who received chelation, fewer cardiac events occurred and less invasive procedures were needed than in the untreated group. Of the patients who received chelation only 4% needed repeat angioplasties and none required coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG). In the untreated group 22.3 % needed repeat angioplasties, and 11.8 % needed CABG.

What is the cost of chelation therapy?

A single EDTA treatment costs between $125-150. A typical complete course of treatment may take up to one year and may cost between $1250-$5000 depending on the reason for treatment, the effectiveness of treatment and the dose of EDTA utilized. Chelation therapy is a very inexpensive and non-invasive treatment compared to surgical interventions such as heart bypass surgery and coronary stent placement. It can also be utilized in conjunction with medical/surgical treatments.

Why is chelation therapy not talked about by my family MD/Cardiologist?

As of the present time, chelation therapy is not taught in hospitals or medical schools. The patent ran out on EDTA many years ago so there is no financial incentive for drug companies to do studies on its effectiveness. A current study, being paid for by the National Institutes of Health (US government funded) is called the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy TACT Trial Update 20

Quench IV Kit

IV Treatments

Rehydrate Your Body - $195

Rehydrate your body and combat fatigue caused from dehydration with our Quench IV Kit. This Kit includes premium-quality compounds designed to replenish the fluids needed for optimal wellness.


  • Rehydrates your body
  • Detoxes your system
  • Restores essential vitamins
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves circulation
  • Fights fatigue

Boost IV Kit

IV Treatments

Get Up and Go - $179

Designed to help kickstart your metabolism and feel more energized, this IV kit includes six premium-quality compounds believed to help burn fat, boost metabolism and provide the nutrients needed for optimal wellness.


  • Helps burn fat
  • Restores energy
  • Boosts your metabolism
  • Improves performance

Glow IV Kit

IV Treatments

Unleash Your Inner Beauty - $199

Designed to help bring out radiance and natural glow, this kit includes six premium-quality compounds believed to fortify hair, skin and nails, reduce wrinkles and quench skin from the inside out.


  • Fortifies hair, skin and nails
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Quenches tired skin

Immunity IV Kit

IV Treatments

Be Well - $179

Designed to help your immune system, prevent illnesses and make you feel better faster after getting sick, this IV kit includes six premium-quality compounds that can help improve immunity and promote optimal wellness.


  • Protects against infection
  • Improves healing time
  • Builds up your immune system
  • Reduces duration of illnesses

Enhance IV Kit

IV Treatments

Recovery and Performance - $249

Designed to help shorten the time of recovery after an injury and potentially improve athletic ability, this kit includes six premium-quality compounds that can help promote improved performance and overall wellness.


  • Decreases recovery time
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Replenishes essential nutrients
  • Reduces inflammation

Myers Cocktail IV Kit

IV Treatments

Meyer's Cocktail - $150

Comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this cocktail premix is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including on-going pain, asthma and more.


  • Helps alleviate stress
  • Improves immunity
  • Restores balance
  • Provides hydration
  • Helps reduce migraines
  • Reduces chronic pain

Relief IV Kit

IV Treatments

Alleviate PMS Pain - $225

Compounded to help relieve symptoms of PMS, this customized IV Treatments kit includes seven premium-quality compounds which may reduce bloating, irritability, abdominal discomfort and lower back pain.


  • Helps minimize bloating
  • Reduces abdominal discomfort
  • Improves irritability
  • Helps decrease lower back pain

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Vitamin D3

